--- [ Nmap/Ncrack ] ---





Initial Draft

Core Engine

Command Line

Status Reports 2009

Status Reports 2010

GSoC/Ncrack presentation

Ncrack Developer's Guide

Network Exploitation with Ncrack

Network Exploitation with Ncrack video at AthCon2011

  Nmap's service-scanner is called by nmap.cc:nmap_main() inside its main loop.
  The entry function is:
  	int service_scan(vector<Target *> &Targets) 
  which takes the list of recently port-scanned targets as argument.
  service_scan() begins with creating an AllProbes instance called AP using
  service_scan_init(). AllProbes is a class that essentially contains all
  different kinds of probes needed for the scanned services. It fetches them
  trough an external file "nmap-service-probes" by calling
  parse_nmap_service_probe_file() which is called by parse_nmap_service_probes()
  inside service_scan_init(). The probes are pushed inside the AP.probes vector.
  Each probe is an object of class ServiceProbe defined at service_scan.h and which
  contains service-specific strings (probestring), fallbacks (see "Cheats and
  Fallbacks @ Nmap book - chapter 7.3.1), the rarity variable and a vector of
  ServiceProbeMatch variables called matches.
  After creating AP, a ServiceGroup SG object is created. The class holds
  general service information: in particular it holds 3 lists of class ServiceNFO
  instances for services finished, in progress and remaining.
  // This holds the service information for a group of Targets being
  // service scanned.
  class ServiceGroup {
    ServiceGroup(vector<Target *> &Targets, AllProbes *AP);
    list<ServiceNFO *> services_finished; 
    // Services finished (discovered or not)
    list<ServiceNFO *> services_in_progress; // Services currently being probed
    list<ServiceNFO *> services_remaining; // Probes not started yet
    unsigned int ideal_parallelism;
    // Max (and desired) number of probes out at once.
    ScanProgressMeter *SPM;
    int num_hosts_timedout; // # of hosts timed out during (or before) scan
  Class ServiceNFO holds per-port information like fingerprint information to
  match the scanned service with the ones in the database. It also includes a
  pointer to the Target that it belongs to.
  The ServiceGroup constructor creates ServiceNFO instances by parsing the Targets
  vector for open or open|filtered ports and pushes them into the
  services_remaining vector.
  for(targetno = 0 ; targetno < Targets.size(); targetno++) {
      nxtport = NULL;
      if (Targets[targetno]->timedOut(&now)) {
      while((nxtport = Targets[targetno]->ports.nextPort(nxtport, TCPANDUDP,
      PORT_OPEN))) {
        svc = new ServiceNFO(AP);
        svc->target = Targets[targetno];
        svc->portno = nxtport->portno;
        svc->proto = nxtport->proto;
        svc->port = nxtport;
  service_scan() then creates an nsock pool and calls launchSomeServiceProbes()
  before moving on to nsock_loop. launchSomeServiceProbes() is responsible for
  making new connections by registering new (non-blocking) connect(2) events
  through nsock. It is additionally called at the end of every callback handler
  for service_scan's read, write and connect operations: 
  static void servicescan_read_handler(nsock_pool nsp, nsock_event nse,
    void *mydata);
  static void servicescan_write_handler(nsock_pool nsp, nsock_event nse,
    void *mydata);
  static void servicescan_connect_handler(nsock_pool nsp, nsock_event nse,
    void *mydata);